What projects could still provide a healthy profit margin here in California? In 2018, a study was done to make that determination. Keeping track of trends by reviewing these types of studies could help developers choose projects that could provide the investment...
Month: January 2019
Insurance is an important part of being a landlord
Orange County property owners choose certain locations in order to maximize their investments. After making sure that a particular property is attractive to potential tenants, a future landlord needs to protect it. This means obtaining the proper insurance...
Developers consider the costs of ‘going green’ in construction
Every California resident can do his or her part in protecting the environment. For developers, this could include "going green" when it comes to construction. However, they would more than likely consider the financial benefits of doing so first since...
Attracting a commercial tenant may require some concessions
Property owners and developers here in Orange County could find themselves hunting for renters at times. During these times, landlords could need to "sweeten the pot" in order to keep their properties full. This often means making concessions to a prospective...
Key differences between a residential and a commercial tenant
Like many other states, California views matters differently when it comes to renting property to an individual as opposed to a business. Individuals are given certain protections that a commercial tenant would not receive. Before renting a commercial property, it...